Trax Ghana
To empower rural communities in Ghana through sustainable capacity development to achieve and maintain improvement in their environment and livelihoods.
Organizational Expertise
Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Livelihoods
Technologies & Fuels
Clean Cooking Activities
Trax Ghana works with groups of smallholder farmers in Northern Ghana. Traditionally Trax's farmers use three-stone cooking fires for cooking and other heating purposes.
Trax teaches its farmers how to construct improved mud stoves. Between 2007 and 2012 it has taught more than 2,400 farmers how to construct them and more than 1,100 have ® been constructed. Of all the trainings Trax offers, the improved mud stoves are by far the most popular. In the last years of Trax's intervention in a community, it appoints a number of Community Trainers that carry the project on and expand it to include other community members after Trax pulls out. A great number of Community Trainers has been asked to train other communities in improved mud stove construction.
According to the testimonies of Trax's farmers, the improved mud stove use about 66% less firewood, emit less smoke and pose less risk to the cook of getting burnt. The technology is very well-suited for those with very little financial resources as the construction requires no external inputs.
The technology used by Trax is highly desired by the rural population we work with. Our field workers and Community Trainers are ready to teach it to others.
Trax is also looking for a partner who can help us to scientifically quantify the benefits of the mud stoves. We want to measure the actual air pollutant emissions and its energy efficiency.®
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
PO Box 230
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Vincent Subbey
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