Tree Is Life Trust
To empower communities to actively participate in sustainable environmental and natural resources management for livelihoods improvement and well-being.
Other Organization Type
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health, Heating, Livelihoods, Monitoring and Evaluation
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Charcoal, Crop residues, Pellets / Briquettes, Solar, Wood
Clean Cooking Activities
Tree Is Life Trust strongly believes that poverty levels among community members are closely related to the well-being or lack thereof of natural resources from whence they derive their livelihoods. As such and especially now at the wake of climate change phenomena, the organization promotes energy saving technologies and renewable/clean energy through installation of integrated chick rearing cookstoves, biogas, solar (driers and lamps), and briquettes, among others. While all this will have the potential to positively contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation they are also appropriate technologies aimed at improving household incomes and reducing health hazards related to other forms of tradition energy utilization.
By becoming an implementing partner, Tree Is Life Trust will be (has been) directly involved in the implementation of clean cooking solutions, which include design, distribution, marketing and sale of cookstoves and fuels.
Our organization will greatly benefit from the partnership through such means as access to resources and capacity building, eligibility for funding opportunities including introduction to donors, invitations to local, regional and global workshops, newsletter subscription as well as our organization’s increased visibility among other benefits.
Tree Is Life Trust will also contribute to the Alliance by supporting the Alliance’s mission and contribute to our goal of 100 million households adopting clean cookstoves and fuels by 2020; actively promote the Alliance and its work to raise awareness of the health, environmental, gender, and livelihood impacts of clean cooking solutions; share experiences, expertise, best practices, tools, and resources and; report annually on the organization’s results to advance the adoption of clean cookstoves and fuels.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
P.O Box 2098
Nyahururu, Central 20300
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Thomas Gichuru
Title: Director
Phone: +254 721809474
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Absalom Mang'aa
Title: Coordinator
Phone: +254 723692031
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