Trust for renewable energy, efficiency and environmental services (TreeeS)
Our mission is to facilitate transformation of the market for climate-friendly technologies, products and services so that consumers at the bottom end of the economic ladder satisfy their basic requirements for cooking, lighting, water pumping, entertainment, education, health and other needs in an economic, safe and environmentally sustainable manner.
Organizational Expertise
Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Lab or Field Testing, Marketing, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy Development, Standards, Technology and Fuel R&D
Other Organizational Expertise
Project cycle managment
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Charcoal, Solar
Clean Cooking Activities
TreeeS is implementing a clean cooking programme which is developing innovative value chains, to deliver cooking appliances of high performance standards, in partnerships with multi-sectoral organisations that have a good outreach to the great majority of households, small enterprises and institutions that face severe scarcities of fuel wood for cooking.
The programme is planned to deliver 20,000 stoves over a period of 24 months, that is till December 2014.
So far 5 civil society organisations at national level have joined the partnership. A hundred (or more) stovepreneurs will be involved, with 50 and 30 per cent being women and youth respectively.
Major activities of the programme will include training of stove producers and distributors, lobbying for policy support, raising funds for market development, awareness raising among consumers, marketing promotion, performance testing, quality assurance mechanisms and project monitoring.
The beneficiaries of the programme are (i) the households (and other groups) that use wood fuel for cooking, (ii) cooked food vendors and small restaurants and (iii) cook stove producers, suppliers and distributors.
TreeeS will share both past and ongoing experiences with the market-led dissemination of clean cooking appliances and techniques. As described earlier, we have an ongoing clean cooking programme which is unfolding and exploring a variety of dissemination models and value chains, the results of which we can share with the partnership.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
93 Max Close
Letombo Park, Amby
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Paul James Mushamba
Title: Mr
Phone: 263 (0)4 2935924, 0772 216639
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Kuda Mushamba
Title: Ms
Phone: 0784 336078, 0776 002982
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