University of the Philippines in Diliman, Environmental Pollution Studies Laboratory
The Environmental Pollution Studies Laboratory (EPSL) of the UP Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology focuses on the study of the human impact on the natural environment. Led by Dr. Mylene G. Cayetano, the EPSL integrates environmental science and pollution studies, and its relationship to: control strategies of environmental contaminants; human, health and ecosystem risk assessment; and social impacts.
Organizational Expertise
Climate/Environment, Standards, Lab or Field Testing
Other Organizational Expertise
Air, Water and Soil contaminants; Air Quality Management; Sustainable Transport; Emissions Inventory; Green Chemistry; Water and Aquatic systems rehabilitation; Climate Change and co-benefits
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Charcoal, Coal
Clean Cooking Activities
Methods for testing the emissions and the quality of the cook stoves are still limited. Moreover, methods of testing for specific pollutants such as trace elements in smoke emissions have not yet been established. The objective of this study is to develop a method for the analysis of trace elements from the particulates emitted by smoke from cook stoves and charcoal grilling activities.
The materials tested on a wind tunnel set-up were as follows: a) Charcoal (cement cook stove), b) Kerosene (kerosene stove), c) Fuelwood, d) Sawdust (makeshift paint can cook stove) and e) Charcoal-roasted Chicken (Lechon Manok). Burning simulations lasted from 30 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes, depending on quality of grilled chicken and filter loading (i.e. the runtime for fuels that cause heavy filter loading were made shorter). Particulate matter samples (PM2.5 cut-point) were collected in a pre-conditioned teflon filter, halved, digested with 18.5% HNO3 using Ethos 1 Microwave Digester, and then analyzed using Agilent 7500 Series ICP-MS for elemental characterization.
Initial results have determined the levels of Mn, Co, As, Sr, Cd and Pb. Recovery samples were within acceptable limits of 70-130%. Further ICP-MS analysis results of the remaining test materials will also be reported in this study.
Our organization would like to be an academic partner. Cost-sharing can be made available, and capacity building activities especially for the vulnerable population are most welcomed.
Regions Operating In
East Asia and Pacific, South Asia
Country Based In
National Science Complex
University of the Philippines
Diliman, Quezon City, NCR 1101
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Dr. Mylene Cayetano
Title: Ph.D.
Phone: 639329000000
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