Voluntary Organization for Social Development(VOSD)
To establish the poor and vulnerable people, especially women, disabled, adolescents and children in the society through building capacity, people's institution, capital formation, utillization of local resources and imparting felt-need based problem solving programs that will make them capable, self-sufficient, self-governed and self-initiators involving highly qualified, skilled and experienced personnel.
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Climate/Environment, Finance / Investment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health, Livelihoods, Microfinance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Policy Development, Research
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Charcoal, Crop residues, Kerosene, Natural Gas / Methane, Wood
Clean Cooking Activities
VOSD is a national NGO. It has been implementing the ICS project supported by ANANDO, GIZ and IDCOLE from 1997 with an interest to reduce fuel consumption, carbon emission, natural resource destruction, health hazards and promote clean air and environment. The main activities are: awareness raising, training for the beneficiaries, ICS installation, solar cooker installation, bio-gas plants and SHP installation by the beneficiaries in each house. Already it has installed 6740 ICSs, 1800 solar cookers, 76 solar dryers, 21 solar community cookers and 185 SHPs in rural areas of Bangladesh. Gradually the ICS and solar materials have become very popular and people are installing with their own initiatives considering the importance for future generation. Already many trained beneficiaries are developed and other stockers, service providers and suppliers have been developed who are preparing ICS, solar cookers, solar dryers, solar community cookers and SHPs in the rural areas and installing in rural areas by the beneficiaries. Even, the organisation has been providing credit supports to the interested participants to install those items in their households. In the mean time, the rural people have realized the needs and important of those items and they are encouragingly installing those items in their households which has reduced the 50% fuel consumption, natural resource destructions, health hazards, air pollution, carbon emission, electricity use, fuel costs etc.
Our organisation VOSD would like to participate in this partnership through providing different information, news, ideas, innovations, etc. on improved cooking stoves (ICS), Solar Cookers, Solar Dryers, Solar Community Cookers, Solar Home Systems (SHP) etc. to the network and sharing experiences on those items and also receiving modern and scientific information, ideas and experiences from the network members. We also want to receive the donors’ information and linkages through the networks and also want to participate in different international seminars, workshops, training, exchange visits, etc. from where we would get new ideas, innovations, technologies, information etc. which could be implemented in our own project areas and spread among our beneficiaries and they could be able to utilize those to promote ICS, solar cookers, solar dryers, solar home systems and solar community cooker to reduce carbon emission, natural resource destruction, fuel costs, health hazards and also to improve environmental conditions and control air pollution. In this way, we would get different new and appropriate technologies, innovative ideas and information to spread out among our beneficiaries to follow up and also to disseminate our ideas, technologies and experiences to other partners of the world and hope all these will improve the total climate and environment situation of the world and make the lives safe and sound. We can also contribute for the people Bangladesh as well as world, because, total environmental and climatic situation is inter-dependent which can reduce different disasters, climate change, natural resource destruction, different hazards, and fuel consumption.
Regions Operating In
South Asia
Country Based In
8/8, Block-A, Lalmatia, Mohammadpur
Dhaka, Bangladesh 1207
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. AKM Mostafizur Rahman
Title: Executive Director
Phone: 9126278
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Mahima Sanker Dutta
Title: Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
Phone: 9142663
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