Well Told Story
Shujaaz is a unique media platform produced by Well Told Story, designed to create and sustain significant, large-scale mindset and behavioral changes, on a number of social and economic dimensions, among millions of young people across Kenya and Tanzania. Shujaaz employs multiple interactive media to create informed, participatory conversations on subjects that add social and economic value to a regular audience of millions of Kenyans aged 15-24 in East Africa
Other Organization Type
BCC Research & Media Production Company
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change
Other Organizational Expertise
Strategic Communications Consulting
Technologies & Fuels
Not Applicable
Clean Cooking Activities
Well Told Story designs and creates our own innovative media that reaches and engages millions of young people in Kenya and Tanzania every month with entertainment-led social and behaviour-change-focused ideas and inspiration delivered on multiple media. We provide consultancy and project development support to public and private sector organizations to use innovative communication to amplify their impact, create efficiencies and accelerate the achievement of their goals.
All our work is based on complex and evolving theories of change and communications. Understanding and working closely with audiences is also fundamental to Well Told Story’s practice. All the media we produce is based on deep pre-research and analysis and is tried and tested extensively with target audiences. We believe in the importance of rigorous knowledge and learning in all our work to secure quantitative and qualitative insights into any media that is made and the changes it helps to bring about.
Well Told Story will lead a consortium to include clean cookstove innovation leader BURN, manufacturers of the ISO/IWA Tier 4 Jikokoa stove. Well Told Story is a market leader at creating tangible change in hard to reach demographics. We combine the power of good stories with strategy, creativity, deep analysis and hard science, to design and produce communications that spur positive social changes that can be proved and measured.
A 2015 national Youth Tracker Survey conducted by Research Plus revealed that Well Told Story, through a collection of Shujaaz media channels, currently engages 50% of all Kenyan youth aged 15-24, i.e. 4.2 Million youth. In addition, 32% of all youth aged 15-24 (2.7 million youths) apply ideas from Shujaaz to their own life. The reach of Shujaaz media varies by demographics from 70% among adolescent urban males (15-19) to 33% among more mature rural females (20-24). These segments are a critical target for behavior change communication in both urban and rural households given the ‘’pester-power’’ they hold with the adults/parents or as a key source of high level information as a result of being more educated than the adults, especially in the rural households.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Acacia Building , Karen Office Park
Langáta Road
Nairobi, NAIROBI P.O Box 1700 - 00502
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Rob Burnet
Title: Chief Executive
Phone: +254-726-052372
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Naomi Maina
Title: Head of Client Services
Phone: +254722813730
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