yes boss, see how we can do a better jobs, in all congo kinshasa, we need your representative here in conga kinshasa.
sincerely from yours coordinator MUHINDO KIKHA GEDEON in congo kinshasa butembo city.
Other Organization Type
we need your support to investing in all congo kinshasa in butembo city, send the cooking clean here in congo tree cargo here .
Organizational Expertise
Climate/Environment, Finance / Investment, Health, Humanitarian/Emergency Response, Microfinance, Research, Standards
Other Organizational Expertise
yes, boss we need your support is very importante here in congo kinshasa.
Technologies & Fuels
Charcoal, Coal, Electricity, Ethanol / Alcohol, Kerosene, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Natural Gas / Methane, Solar
Other Technologies Fuels
send also other partner who can come in congo kinshasa to buying minerals here in DRC congo kinshasa.
Clean Cooking Activities
here we need cooks clean, fuel station in all congo kinshasa, micro-finance,humanitarian emergency,and send other partner who can come in congo to buying mineral.
my organization he can contributed for the impplatation for agency in all congo kinshasa, and to facilite the document for gorvement of our country congo kinshasa.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Congo, Democratic Republic
av: devolcan no22 butembo
rue matadi no 15
butembo city, congo kinshasa /north-kivu +243
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Muhindo Gedeon
Title: asking cooking clean in congo kinshasa.
Phone: +243994238406
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Muhindo Gedeon
Title: asking cookings clean here in congo kinshasa.
Phone: +243994238406
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