Gender Aspects of Cooking
Around the world, daily cooking responsibilities are largely held by women and girls. Clean cooking can ease the health problems and economic burdens that disproportionately impact them.
Every day, millions of women and girls around the world breathe in harmful smoke while cooking and spend hours walking far distances to secure cooking fuel. Reliance on polluting, open fires and inefficient fuels leads to health impacts like emphysema, cataracts, cancer, and heart disease, as well as economic impacts like the inability to achieve a complete education.
Read our gender factsheet
The Issue
2.4 billion people, or 40% of the world’s population, rely on polluting open fires and inefficient fuels such as wood, charcoal, coal, and kerosene for cooking.
The Solution
Providing women access to modern energy is a critical but often overlooked means of empowering women and advancing gender equality.
More on Women and Clean Cooking
In line with its Gender Strategy, CCA supports organizations in adopting gender-informed business approaches, and ensures that women can be participants and leaders in clean cooking markets.
CCA’s six-step, gender-smart consulting service consists of a menu of customizable gender offerings for sector actors seeking to understand and adopt gender-smart approaches.