Zion Education and Social Welfare Society
To initiate the awakening process
To build up the people’s organization
To build the capacities of the people
To work with the poor and oppressed and not for them
To encourage development of a democratic process towards people’s solidarity
To strengthen women in the expression of their full potential and rightful place in the society
To try integrated and sustainable models of community health and rural development using, people’s participatory approaches.
To strengthen community voices through advocacy efforts.
Organizational Expertise
Capacity Building
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Charcoal, Solar
Clean Cooking Activities
Our organization is interested in participating in clean cooking activities such as their work focuses on improving health and environment through encouraging changes in cooking methods and types of stoves used in developing countries to pollute less and reduce indoor air pollution. According to the World Health Organization, 4.3 million people a year are die from health problems attributable to exposure to smoke from solid fuel stoves. Deforestation and erosion are often the end result of harvesting wood for cooking fuel. The main goal of most improved cooking stoves is to reduce the pressure placed on local forests by reducing the amount of wood the stoves consume. Additionally, the money a family spends on wood or charcoal translates into less money being available to be spent on food, education, and medical care; so an improved cooking stove is seen as a way of boosting a family's income.The significant number of deaths caused by smoke from home fires. The negative impacts can be reduced by using improved cook stoves, improved fuels (e.g. biogas, or kerosene instead of dung), changes to the environment (e.g. use of a chimney), and changes to user behavior (e.g. drying fuel wood before use, using a lid during cooking). Improved stoves are more efficient, meaning that the stove's users spend less time gathering wood or other fuels, suffer less emphysema and other. So we decided to focus on this and solve the problems of our people who are from rural regions.
Invitation to the Alliance’s annual anniversary event, as well as local and regional events in your area.
Access to the Alliance’s online partner Community, where your organization can participate in communities of practice and discussion boards that connect over 1,500 sector stakeholders.
Introduction to donors, partners, media, and other Alliance connections, as appropriate.
Participation in Alliance Steering Committees or Peer Review Panels, as appropriate.
Regions Operating In
South Asia
Country Based In
HIG-72, L-Sector
Ayodhya Nagar
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462041
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Reji Jacob
Title: President
Phone: 9826358011
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Minimon K.J.
Title: Secretary
Phone: 9425636877
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