K-rep Development Agency
The vision of K-Rep Development Agency is: ® “To have a Kenya where everybody can have access to financial services.â€
Mission Statement
“To build the field of microfinance through the development of innovative microfinance products and services to create economic opportunities for low-income people and alleviate poverty.
Organizational Expertise
Climate/Environment, Finance / Investment, Livelihoods
Other Organizational Expertise
Background of the Organization K-Rep Development Agency (KDA) is the research and development arm of the K-Rep group. It is a specialized micro-finance development organization established in 1984, as a project of World Education Incorporated, sponsored by USAID. In 1997, KDA was institutionalized and registered as a Kenyan Non-Governmental Organization. K-Rep Development Agency was originally® mandated to research innovative financial products, pilot test, evaluate and re-design these products; document, disseminate the research findings and to institutionalize the viable projects.® The medium term strategy and which was implemented in the period 1997-2002 identified the following priority areas for implementation: Credit scheme for smallholders farmers Health Insurance scheme for low income people A mechanism for metabolizing saving of rural people Low cost housing financing mechanism Savings and credit scheme for the youth Renewable energy financing mechanism. The current mandate is to develop renewable energy microfinance products, research, training and promoting the adoption of® renewable energy technologies by rural and urban low income communities thus paving the way for KDA to eventually become a renewable energy development finance company. MILESTONES & PAST ACHIEVEMENTS® In 2009, KDA institutionalized the asset financing/micro leasing product for smallholder farmers into a newly created company -Juhudi Kilimo Company Limited.® In 2006® K-Rep Fedha Services (KFS)® was spun-off from KDA and incorporated as a limited liability company to offer management and technical services to community owned financial entities known as Financial Services Associations (FSAs). KDA in conjunction with K-Rep Bank and a Health Management Organization (HMO) -AAR Health Services, successfully developed a health insurance scheme for low-income people. This project was institutionalized in AAR Health Services in June 2005. The project successfully developed two key products; Afya Card: an easy access, comprehensive and affordable health care package. Afya card offers both in-and-out-patient and in-patient only cover. It is a family based health plan designed to cater to the basic healthcare needs for the whole family. Afya Loan: a loan product that is accessible and flexible to allow clients to finance the annual membership fees for the afya card and repay the loan in installments. AAR established a new Company AAR Credit to implement this product. KDA successfully pilot-tested and refined a seasonal loan product for smallholder farmers. The product was institutionalized in K-Rep Bank in 2004. From 2006 to 2009 KDA implemented a project that sought to develop a savings culture among adolescent girls in the Kibera slums of Nairobi as well as to provide financial education. The project was institutionalized in K-Rep Bank in 2009. The Low-Cost Housing This project was successfully pilot tested and institutionalized in a newly created Company known as® Makao Mashinani Company Limited® in November 2010.
Technologies & Fuels
Biogas, Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Charcoal, Solar
Clean Cooking Activities
Currently KDA is implementing a renewable energy project aimed at® mitigating climate change through the provision of microfinance services and offering the necessary supporting services in both rural and urban areas.
The program is focused on research, seeking to understand community needs thereafter studying and selecting appropriate technologies, developing effective distribution channels to ensure reach by the consumer in remote regions,® developing partnerships between various stakeholders of each project® and ensuring the necessary® after sales service, tracking and monitoring are provided.
The® following technologies have been introduced to the project:
Biogas –both dome shaped and plastic easy to install digesters
Solar-both small household solar appliances and unique off grid solar systems that can serve rural and urban poor communities
Clean energy cook stoves both solar and firewood
Production and use of Bio-fuels®
Water filters (Boiling water uses large amounts of energy in several household in Kenya)
The success of this project has been primarily largely due to the® KDA infrastructure and past networks that have made remote rural households /regions accessible. As a result of this project KDA has also developed strong networks with renewable energy stakeholders across the region® and® would be very well positioned to carry out industry research and develop appropriate credit products. Our current cookstove credit product has integrated a savings component to save income that would otherwise have been used for energy. These savings are then used to health insurance cover
KDA would contribute to creating accessibility of the cookstoves by researching on innovative microfinance products and incentives.
We pioneered microfinance in Kenya and have vast experience in working with both the rural and urban poor.
As stated above our mission is “To build the field of microfinance through the development of innovative microfinance products and services to create economic opportunities for low-income people and contributing to eliminating poverty.
Our current focus is renewable energy credit and savings product for the poor
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
K-rep Center, Wood Avenue Road
P.O.Box 10528
Nairobi, Kenya 100
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Dora Waruiru
Title: Managing Director
Phone: (25472) 221-0848
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Walter Tinega
Title: Program Manager
Phone: (25471) 105-8787
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