Impact Carbon, Uganda Office
Our mission is to improve health and the environment through clean energy projects that reduce carbon emissions. Projects include improved cookstoves and water treatment. We generate carbon offsets and use the financial returns to benefit local people.
Organizational Expertise
Carbon Finance, Health
Other Organizational Expertise
Impact Carbon has expertise in the carbon finance sector, registering the first efficient cook stove project under the Voluntary Gold Standard. The technologies used have significant benefits in the environmental, health, and economic sectors; Impact Carbon was awarded the 2009 Sustainable Products and Solutions Award, and was named a finalist for the International Health Promotion Award in 2010. In 2011, we received the Global Leadership Award from the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air.
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.)
Clean Cooking Activities
Impact Carbon currently operates projects in Uganda, Kenya and China, and is collaborating on projects in Kenya, Haiti, and Guatemala, with projects also developing in Darfur, Indonesia and Rwanda. We target both rural and urban poor at the national level.
Impact Carbon looks to share best practices in the field, our experience in monitoring and evaluation, and knowledge of the VGS Methodology. We are poised to support GACC as an advisory Implementing Partner and offer our expertise in any capacity.
Regions Operating In
Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Muyenga, Kironde Road
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Eddie Oundo
Title: Sales Manager
Phone: (25677) 521-0219
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