The Lead Education & Abatement Design (LEAD) Group Inc
Working to eliminate lead poisoning globally and to protect the environment from lead in all its uses: past, current and new uses.
Organizational Expertise
Lab or Field Testing
Other Organizational Expertise
Advocacy at local, state and federal government levels and within international fora such as the OECD, WHO and UNEP.
Technologies & Fuels
Charcoal, Coal, Pellets / Briquettes, Solar
Other Technologies Fuels
Wood and Farm Residues (such as animal dung). The® use of Wood fuel and each of the above ticked or listed® fuels [Charcoal; Coal; Pellets / Briquettes; Solar; Farm residues] are all potential sources of lead exposure, as lead exists naturally in wood, coal products, and soil, and can® be easily ingested by grazing animals;® and lead acid batteries are the most common storage battery for solar (and wind) power.
Clean Cooking Activities
Ongoing development® of online information about the little-known® lead hazards of combustible fuels and the better-known lead hazards of lead mining and smelting and of lead acid battery manufacture, use, collection, recycling and black marketeering.
The LEAD Group could ask members of® our Lead Safe World Partners network to write a set of Solutions to the problems of® lead exposure from the above-mentioned cooking fuels, and publish it on our new website at
Regions Operating In
East Asia and Pacific
Country Based In
PO Box 161
Summer Hill
Sydney, New South Wales (NSW) 2130
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Ms. Elizabeth O'Brien
Title: President
Phone: (6129) 716-0014
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