WASHplus Bangladesh
WASHplus, a five-year (2010–2015) cooperative agreement implemented by FHI 360 with CARE and Winrock International as core partners, is funded through USAID’s Bureau for Global Health.
This study used qualitative and quantitative methods that draw from social marketing and social science to explore consumer perceptions of five of the most promising ICS potentially available for distribution in Bangladesh. The study complements other efforts by a range of stakeholders to strengthen market‐based approaches and consumer choice for improving household air quality and reducing the environmental impacts associated with dependence on biomass fuels.
Through support from USAID/Bangladesh, the USAID Asia Regional Bureau/Washington, and an additional grant contribution from U.S. State Department’s Office of the Secretary of State, Global Partnership Initiative, WASHplus is laying a foundation for the USAID/Bangladesh Catalyzing Clean Energy in Bangladesh (CCEB) program and other key actors by conducting a comprehensive assessment to better understand consumer needs and preferences as they relate to increasing the uptake of ICS, including household trials of improved stoves not currently widely available in Bangladesh.
Understanding Consumer Preference and Willingness to Pay for Improved Cookstoves in Bangladesh
What Do Cooks Want? What Will They Pay? A Study of Improved Cookstoves in Bangladesh
USAID/WASHplus Bangladesh: Assessing Consumer Needs, Willingness to Pay for ICS