Spark+ Africa Fund

Investing in Clean Cooking in Africa

Initiated by CCA, Enabling Qapital, and Stichting Modern Cooking, SPARK+ Africa (“Spark+”) is the world’s first impact fund to finance clean and modern cooking solutions in developing markets.

Spark+ is an impact investment fund that finances pioneering companies that offer life-improving biomass, biogas, ethanol, electric, and LPG-based cooking technologies to low-income consumers.

With the lack of access to clean and modern cooking solutions costing Africa more than $300 billion in social, environmental, and economic costs, Spark+ aims to directly address the critical investment gap in the clean cooking sector and achieve a range of societal benefits, including improved respiratory health, reduced time poverty for women, greater gender equality, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation, industrial and economic development, and poverty reduction.

“CCA is thrilled to have supported the development of Spark+. We see this launch as a much-needed step toward developing a sustainable and inclusive clean cooking sector.”
— Dymphna van der Lans, CEO, CCA