CCA released a statement on carbon finance and C-Quest CapitalRead it here

Prefabricated Biodigester

Investor ResourcesPrefabricated Biodigester
What is it?
  • A patented ‘plug and play’ biodigester that provides both biogas and fertilizer
  • ATEC* offer two small scale systems: 1.35 and 1.8 cubic meters (volumes are gas production per day). These systems can be modularized to suit the needs of larger farms
  • Pay-as-you-go integrated
  • Product lifetime is 25 years
  • 3 year warranty
  • Sold over 1,700 biodigester units in Cambodia and Bangladesh, with pilot projects conducted in 7 other countries
Gain Creators

For the company:

  • Each unit abates up to 7 tons of carbon per year, allowing ATEC* to access carbon credits as a secondary income stream

For the customer:

  • Average household net income increase of $521 per year (Shujog impact assessment, 2016)
  • The compact, portable design means that the biodigester can be moved and/or on-sold by the household as an asset
  • With two livestock, the biodigester can provide biogas for all daily cooking needs, as well as 20 tons of high-quality organic fertilizer per year for 25 years
  • Clean, modern kitchen
Pain Relievers

For the company:

  • Rugged design means it can be installed in areas that experience seasonal flooding, high-groundwater, hurricanes or earth tremors
  • Installation time is half a day, and easy to train staff to install
  • Scalability
  • Locally manufactured
  • Commercially distributable through retail channels, as opposed to the traditional brick and mortar biodigesters

For the customer:

  • Eliminates the need for expensive chemical fertilizers and bottled gas
  • No need to spend time or money collecting firewood, and removes safety risks with wood collection
  • Reduction in kitchen air pollution, one of the leading causes for premature death in women and children
  • Convert time savings from cooking into productive uses that generate other sources of income
  • Can be toilet connected to remove up to 99% of harmful bacteria, creating a local human waste management system
Related Innovators

Other companies that have a product line of pre-fabricated biodigesters include: