Improved Cookstove Usage Rates

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What is the benchmark for customer usage rates of improved cookstoves?

This question was put to CCA by an investor that is new to clean cooking and looking for some information for their due diligence purposes. If you would like to request a similar piece of analysis, or have a follow-up question based on what is shown here, please reach out to CCA at:



Several assumptions underpin the calculations that determine the expected number of carbon credits issued for an improved clean cookstove project. One of these key variables is stove usage.


Currently there is very little information publicly available concerning usage of improved cookstoves. This lack of information makes it difficult for investors or outcome buyers to independently validate assumptions that cookstove project developers make regarding stove usage rates.

Key Question:

What is the benchmark for customer usage rates of improved cookstoves?



CCA’s analysis of data collected by 60 Decibels show that:

  • Almost half of customers report using their improved cookstove for all of their cooking needs.
  • There is a significant range in stove usage rates from company to company: the best performing company had more than three-quarters of their customers report using their improved cookstoves for all of their cooking, whereas the worst performing company had just 13% of their customers report using their improved cookstoves for all of their cooking.
  • Almost eight in ten customers use their improved cookstove for at least three-quarters of their household’s cooking needs.
  • Just 4% of the sample reported that they no longer use their improved cookstove at all.

Notes on the Data:

Source: CCA analysis, based on 60 Decibels data

  • The analysis was done in May 2023.
  • The data were collected by 60 Decibels between January 2022 and April 2023, by phone interview with the customers.
  • The sample size is 1,599 improved cookstove customers (charcoal and wood).
  • The customers are served by seven companies and are located in Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria.
  • Only four of the seven companies have carbon programs.
  • Because the data collected are categorical, it is not possible to generate a weighted average.
  • All customers gave consent to being contacted by 60 Decibels and participating in their surveys.