CCA and Partners Released the Buyer's Guide to High-Quality Cookstove Carbon CreditsRead it here

Investor ResourcesImproved Stoves: Usage Rates

This section contains information on the latest investment and operational trends in clean cooking, including customer perceptions of clean cooking companies’ products and services. All data has been aggregated to protect the identity of the companies.

If you would like to know more about the underlying data CCA has available, please reach out to

Industry Snapshot Data

This section contains information on the latest investment and revenue trends in clean cooking. The selection of charts and commentary have been taken from the latest version of the Industry Snapshot. All data has been aggregated, so as to protect the identity of the companies.

Clean Cooking Customer Benchmarking

CCA partnered with 60 Decibels to interview more than 5,000 clean cooking customers between October 2021 and January 2024. Some of the aggregated findings and insights are displayed below.

Updated in 2023, the CCA Venture Catalyst’s Lean Data Insights Aggregate Report contains data from 18 CCA Venture Catalyst portfolio companies, working across 9 countries. The report is available here

Carbon Market Data

CCA has partnered with MSCI to provide more visibility of clean cooking carbon projects.

The tool shows registered, pipeline, and retired carbon credits from clean cooking projects and can be used to track cumulative issuances and retirements, or to see the market surplus of clean cooking carbon credits, by region and by registry.

Custom Insights