Efficient Clean Cooking and Heating (ECCH) Program Analysis of transition pathways for modern energy cooking services (MECS). A systematic map.
Request for non-journal literature for this important systematic review of the evidence correspondence email: gillan.petrokofsky@alum.gtc.ox.ac.uk
deadline: January 10th, 2020
Review question:
“What factors are critical to achieve a large-scale transition towards sustained use of modern energy with particular reference to cooking in low- and middle-income countries?”
The review will be conducted according to recognised guidelines for conducting systematic evidence evaluation*
Please contact the review team via the above email address with:
- any studies from your organisation or network that relate to actual experiences of relevance to our review question, particularly ‘grey’ literature that may not be accessible via online bibliographic databases or electronic journals.
- an indication that you might be able to help disseminate the results of our systematic map in 2020.
Many thanks for your help!