Elisa Derby
Senior Director, Climate Impacts and Standards
Clean, efficient, affordable, and reliable technologies and fuels are fundamental to building a global market for clean cooking solutions. Consistent testing methods and reporting metrics, as defined by international standards, help consumers and suppliers alike navigate this market.
With standardized protocols, regional testing and knowledge centers can evaluate and communicate how stoves and fuels perform. These results provide a valuable reference point to governments when setting policy, and drive stove and fuel manufacturers to improve their technologies.
Explore the Clean Cooking CatalogStandards clearly define the performance metrics for clean cooking technologies, including for efficiency, emissions, safety, and durability.
“Standards and labeling are important for consumer protection, ensuring that the people, especially rural consumers who are cash-poor, are getting the best value for money.”Naomi WaguraStandards and labeling implementation expert, CLASP
Testing helps ensure that stoves and fuels meet the expected standard and achieve the desired outcome, whether that’s improved efficiency, lower emissions, greater safety and durability, or some other characteristic.
CCA maintains a comprehensive list of protocols for a range of stove and fuel types, along with archives of earlier versions (available upon request).
View the ProtocolsPartners interested in testing their stoves or learning more about testing should contact a regional testing and knowledge center.
In addition to the harmonized laboratory test protocols developed by the ISO, clean cooking partners have developed several other protocols, including the water boiling test, the biomass stove safety protocol, the controlled cooking test, the durability test, and the kitchen performance test. CCA collaborates with partners around the world to further develop and harmonize protocols.