Action for Relief and Development
To work with the poor and vulnerable children to par-take their rights and promote social transformation in the communities where they live.
Other Organization Type
Organizational Expertise
Adoption / Behavior Change, Capacity Building, Carbon Finance, Climate/Environment, Gender / Womens Empowerment, Health, Humanitarian/Emergency Response, Livelihoods, Monitoring and Evaluation
Other Organizational Expertise
Technologies & Fuels
Biomass (Ag. Residue, Processed Biomass, etc.), Charcoal, Crop residues, Pellets / Briquettes, Wood
Other Technologies Fuels
Clean Cooking Activities
Action for Relief and Development (ARD) has a keen interest in empowering poor and vulnerable communities in Uganda. Energy is one of the key aspects affecting the poor and vulnerable communities. Energy scarcity and the inefficient three stone fire stoves commonly used in Busoga and Bukedi sub-regions in Uganda, ARD’s areas of operation are some of the issues the organisation is trying to address through its interventions. ARD is one of the organisations training local communities in Busoga Sub-region in clean cookstove manufacturing skills using local available materials. The organisation has also done community based sensitization on the health effects related to the commonly used three stone fire stoves. As a means of protecting the environment while reducing on the time taken and dangers women and girls face while collecting firewood, the organisation has undertake community based tree planting and environmental education trains. Going forward, we are in the process of establishing partnerships with local manufacturers of tested and efficient clean cookstoves. In so doing, we shall be able to distribute the clean cookstoves to local communities in our areas of operation using the best and tested distribution and financial models.
The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is an international organisation with vast knowledge and experience in issues to do with clean cookstoves. Action for Relief and Development (ARD) is interested in tapping into this knowledge and experience through trainings, workshops and distribution of publications for its staff. Secondly, the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, being a global and well recognised organisation in the sphere of clean cookstoves, is in a better position to mobilize funding for this cause. ARD would like to share on these funding opportunities that come with this partnership. Thirdly, ARD is well grounded on the drivers and barriers to adoption of the clean cookstoves in the local communities of Busoga and Bukedi sub-regions in Uganda, its areas of operation. Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves will tap into this knowledge to help advance the adoption of clean cookstoves. ARD will be instrumental in building the local capacity and empowering women into changing behavior and adopt the clean cookstoves. ARD will also work on putting in place the right distribution and financial models to facilitate adoption of the clean cookstoves. ARD will do the monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the progress of the interventions in its areas of operation.
Regions Operating In
Sub-Saharan Africa
Country Based In
Plot 42A Nizam Road West
Jinja, Busoga Sub-Region P.O.Box 5231
Primary Point of Contact
Name: Mr. Ezekiel Kisambira
Title: Executive Director
Phone: +256752556599
Secondary Point of Contact
Name: Joseph Kyegombe
Title: Programs Manager
Phone: +256701907318
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