Week of Clean Cooking Recap

Thanks for joining CCA and partners for the first-ever Week of Clean Cooking!

From October 18-22, 2021, the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) hosted the Week of Clean Cooking, a series of virtual engagements, events, content releases, and networking opportunities to catalyze action on clean cooking.

With more than 1,000 attendees representing 42 countries, the Week of Clean Cooking brought together actors from across the clean cooking ecosystem to engage, learn, network, and share knowledge that will help drive progress during this critical year and beyond.

CCA joined numerous partners to host 13 virtual sessions featuring 70+ speakers, more than 60 percent of which were women.

One of the week’s top headlines included the launch of a new Clean Cooking Energy Compact, a call to action already endorsed by more than 40 governments and organizations around the world.

Other highlights included “A Conversation on Clean Cooking, Women, and Trade,” co-hosted by the World Trade Organization; an interactive discussion on climate and health hosted by the World Health Organization, CCA, and HEPA; and a four-day Matchmaking and Networking session hosted by GET.invest that attracted more than 200 registrants.

“Lack of access to clean cooking is killing a lot more people than we think, and it’s affecting our planet at an alarming rate. We all have to stand up for this.”
— Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO, Sustainable Energy for All

In addition, a host of new reports, stories, and other content was released, such as:

  • press release on CCA’s Venture Catalyst achievements to date, “CCA’s Venture Catalyst Program Accelerating Industry Growth”
  • blog on CCA and Fraym’s findings from analyzing the clean cooking market in six African countries, “Visualizing the Market Opportunity for Clean Cooking in Sub-Saharan Africa”
  • An article with ACE for CCA’s Leadership Series, “African Clean Energy: Transforming How Families Cook”
  • A blog post on a new results-based finance instrument, “Clean Cooking Can Empower Women: A New Financial Tool Could Help Determine What That’s Worth”
  • An interactive StoryMap on the latest house hold air pollution data

To see the full list of announcements and events, including recordings of all the virtual sessions, check out the Week of Clean Cooking webpage.

CCA Launches Clean Cooking Energy Compact

Unlocking the SDGs and Net-Zero with Clean Cooking

Joining a global effort led by the United Nations to accelerate action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) has launched a multi-stakeholder Clean Cooking Energy Compact. Already supported by more than 40 governments, donors, companies, and others, the Energy Compact promotes a just energy transition while aiming to accelerate universal access to clean cooking by 2030.

Support the Compact

Week of Clean Cooking: By the Numbers

The shareable infographic below provides a quick look at the engagement and interest generated throughout the week: