CCA has submitted the revised CLEAR methodology to voluntary carbon crediting programsRead the Latest

Clean Cooking Forum 2022

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Okey Esse

CEO, Powerstove Energy

Olivier Lefebvre

Climate Solutions Consulting

Patience Alifo

Co-Founder, Econexus Ventures

Patrice Binwa Aganze

Provincial Expert: North Kivu, UNCFD

Peter George

Co-Investment Director, Spark+ Africa Fund; Chairman, Stichting Modern Cooking

Peter Scott

Founder & CEO, BURN Manufacturing

Philippe Hoeblich

Co-Founder and CEO, PayGas

Rana B Thapa

Assistant Director, Head of Bio-Energy Section and Focal Point for Green Climate Fund (GCF) from Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC), Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation

Rejoice Ntiriwaa Ossei-Bremang

Science Communicator and Researcher, Cape Coast Technical University

Richard Matey

Director, Alliance for Empowering Rural Communities