CCA has submitted the revised CLEAR methodology to voluntary carbon crediting programsRead the Latest

Clean Cooking Forum 2022

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Anibor Kragha

Executive Secretary, African Refiners & Distributors Association

Anitha Umutoniwase

CEO, EcoGreen

Anna Clements

Lead Researcher, Tanzania and Uganda, Modern Energy Cooking Services

Antonio Guiso

Regional Director, Africa, South Pole

Ashvin Dayal

Senior Vice President, Power & Climate and The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet, The Rockefeller Foundation

Augustin Lomena Mulend

Lab Manager, Clean Cooking Technologies Laboratory, Center for Studies and Research on Renewable Energies Kitsisa-Khonde (CERERK-ISTA); Senior Lecturer, Institut Supérieur de Techniques Appliquées de Kinshasa (ISTA-Kin); PhD Candidate, University of Kinshasa, Faculty of Engineering

Aukje de Jager

Country Sector Leader Renewable Energy, Mali, SNV

Ben Jeffreys

CEO, ATEC International

Ben Odongo

Youth Fellow in Energy, UpEnergy and Climate Champions

Bernadette Blom

Founding Partner, FOUNT; Director, BIX Capital