Julius Magala
Julius Magala is the Energy Access Coordinator working with UN Capital Development Fund. At UNCDF, he manages the energy programme which provides innovation grants, concessional debt, and technical assistance for investment readiness to clean energy businesses in Uganda.
Before joining UNCDF, Julius worked with Energy 4 Impact in Uganda as a Country manager where he led a project on the implementation of improved institutional cookstoves for educational facilities.
He holds an Executive Masters in Energy Management from the Norwegian Business School and IFP School and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Makerere University. He is also a 2017 Mandela Washington fellow at the public management institute – UC Davis.
Sessions by Julius Magala
Sessions by Julius Magala
Sessions by Julius Magala
Clean Cooking & Nature: Laying the Foundation for Sustainable and Inclusive Nature-based Solutions
It is increasingly recognized that safeguarding nature is critical to addressing climate change and protecting billions of the most vulnerable people around the world. Yet, as governments, donors and investors look for ways to protect and restore nature, they often overlook one of the most accessible and impactful solutions: clean cooking.
Approximately 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions from forest degradation are derived from woodfuel harvest. Reducing the firewood demands of local communities should be core to nature-based solutions where communities lack access to more efficient and cleaner stoves and fuels. The avoidance of emissions from shifting to clean cooking should be considered a central activity for ensuring the “permanence” of nature-based carbon removals through reforestation, while also enabling a transformation of rural livelihoods.
With $133 billion flowing into nature each year, and calls to triple that by 2050, now is the time to leverage intensified interest in nature to align finance for nature-based solutions and clean cooking to transform sustainable rural livelihoods. Failure to invest in clean cooking puts millions of lives at risk, threatens to undermine billions of dollars in climate mitigation investments – and imperils the future of all of us and our planet.
This session will highlight the fundamental role of clean cooking in delivering and achieving the benefits of nature-based solutions. Illustrating how clean cooking enterprises and conservation organizations are leveraging clean cooking value chains to deliver inclusive and sustainable rural development and ensure long-term success of nature-based solutions, and it discuss the key financing barriers and opportunities to align and scale clean cooking approaches with nature-based solutions.
Sessions by Julius Magala
Sessions by Julius Magala
Sessions by Julius Magala
Sessions by Julius Magala
Sessions by Julius Magala
Clean Cooking & Nature: Laying the Foundation for Sustainable and Inclusive Nature-based Solutions
It is increasingly recognized that safeguarding nature is critical to addressing climate change and protecting billions of the most vulnerable people around the world. Yet, as governments, donors and investors look for ways to protect and restore nature, they often overlook one of the most accessible and impactful solutions: clean cooking.
Approximately 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions from forest degradation are derived from woodfuel harvest. Reducing the firewood demands of local communities should be core to nature-based solutions where communities lack access to more efficient and cleaner stoves and fuels. The avoidance of emissions from shifting to clean cooking should be considered a central activity for ensuring the “permanence” of nature-based carbon removals through reforestation, while also enabling a transformation of rural livelihoods.
With $133 billion flowing into nature each year, and calls to triple that by 2050, now is the time to leverage intensified interest in nature to align finance for nature-based solutions and clean cooking to transform sustainable rural livelihoods. Failure to invest in clean cooking puts millions of lives at risk, threatens to undermine billions of dollars in climate mitigation investments – and imperils the future of all of us and our planet.
This session will highlight the fundamental role of clean cooking in delivering and achieving the benefits of nature-based solutions. Illustrating how clean cooking enterprises and conservation organizations are leveraging clean cooking value chains to deliver inclusive and sustainable rural development and ensure long-term success of nature-based solutions, and it discuss the key financing barriers and opportunities to align and scale clean cooking approaches with nature-based solutions.