CCA and Partners Released the Buyer's Guide to High-Quality Cookstove Carbon CreditsRead it here

Clean Cooking Forum 2022


Marcel Raats

Manager, Energy and Climate, International Development, Netherlands Enterprise and Development Agency

Marcel Raats manages the Energy and Climate Team in the Department for International Development at the Netherlands Enterprise and Development Agency ( The team cooperates closely with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on its agenda for renewable energy and climate change and manages various programs and activities promoting energy access. Goal of that agenda is to facilitate inclusive and sustainable energy access, including for clean cooking, to at least 100 million people by 2030, by supporting broad sector transitions for decentralized renewable energy. Over the years Marcel has set-up and (co-)managed various donor funded programs amongst which are EnDev (co-managed with GIZ), the SDG7Results RBF facility, and activities on biogas and cooking energy. Creating partnerships with and between actors in the sector is central in the approach.

Day 0 October 10
Sessions by Marcel Raats
Day 1 October 11
Sessions by Marcel Raats
Day 2 October 12
Sessions by Marcel Raats
9:00 am-9:30 am
Breakout Room C

Perspectives on Innovation: Finance at Scale

Game-changing innovations can dramatically contribute to scaling the sector and bring us closer to universal access to clean cooking solutions. These talks will feature innovators who will discuss how their products, services, or approaches have the potential to address key challenges in the sector.

  1. What did we learn from ten years of investing in the clean cooking sector?  Andrew Tarazid-Tarawali, Associate Director, Acumen
  2. How did we set up a clean cooking focused investment fund?  Xavier Pierluca, Co-Managing Director, Spark+ Fund

Watch this session.

Andrew Tarazid-Tarawali Associate Director, Acumen, West Africa
Xavier Pierluca Managing Partner, Enabling Qapital
Marcel Raats Manager, Energy and Climate, International Development, Netherlands Enterprise and Development Agency
Yabei Zhang Senior Energy Specialist, Clean Cooking Fund at the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)
Day 3 October 13
Sessions by Marcel Raats
Day 4 October 14
Sessions by Marcel Raats
Sessions by Marcel Raats
Sessions by Marcel Raats
Sessions by Marcel Raats
9:00 am-9:30 am
Breakout Room C

Perspectives on Innovation: Finance at Scale

Game-changing innovations can dramatically contribute to scaling the sector and bring us closer to universal access to clean cooking solutions. These talks will feature innovators who will discuss how their products, services, or approaches have the potential to address key challenges in the sector.

  1. What did we learn from ten years of investing in the clean cooking sector?  Andrew Tarazid-Tarawali, Associate Director, Acumen
  2. How did we set up a clean cooking focused investment fund?  Xavier Pierluca, Co-Managing Director, Spark+ Fund

Watch this session.

Andrew Tarazid-Tarawali Associate Director, Acumen, West Africa
Xavier Pierluca Managing Partner, Enabling Qapital
Marcel Raats Manager, Energy and Climate, International Development, Netherlands Enterprise and Development Agency
Yabei Zhang Senior Energy Specialist, Clean Cooking Fund at the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)
Sessions by Marcel Raats
Sessions by Marcel Raats