Sector Directory
To help navigate the clean cooking ecosystem, CCA maintains a Sector Directory. This free online resource includes hundreds of organizations from around the world.
To help navigate the clean cooking ecosystem, CCA maintains a Sector Directory. This free online resource includes hundreds of organizations from around the world.
PSI makes it easier for people in the developing world to lead healthier lives and plan the families they desire…
Potential Energy works with local enterprises in developing countries to manufacture and distribute household technologies, such as clean cookstoves, that…
We work with poor and marginalized people and their organizations to increase their access to information, services and build their…
The mission of PSI is to measurably improve the health of poor and vulnerable people in the developing world, principally…
Vision: We want to make a real difference in the lives of millions of vulnerable people, across the globe. Whatever…
Attract, manage and retain exceptional talent and forge viable distribution paths in the rural markets, identify profitable new customer segments,…
To build vision and facilitate, encourage and enable churches and Christian organisations to provide a holistic teaching ministry related particularly…
SSM strongly believes in manufacturing and distributing highest quality stoves that create customer loyalty and widen the market share. The…
EnAccess is a nonprofit organization that is creating an open source library of knowledge, tools, and concepts for the benefit…
The Joe Slovo Foundation seeks to commemorate the life and work of Joe Slovo, – leader and hero of the…