CCA and Partners Released the Buyer's Guide to High-Quality Cookstove Carbon CreditsRead it here

Clean Cooking Forum 2022


Lindsay Umalla

Senior Portfolio Manager, Market Strengthening, Clean Cooking Alliance

Lindsay is a Senior Portfolio Manager on the Market Strengthening team at CCA. In this role she will be managing a portfolio of companies and partners and supporting market ecosystem projects within the Venture Catalyst program. The VC program provides enterprise-level support to companies across the clean cooking value chain with the aim of enabling impact and financial returns at scale and driving more private sector investment into the sector. Lindsay brings thirteen years of strategy and operations experience in the social enterprise and non-profit space to the CCA team. She has worked across a variety of sectors including energy access, agriculture, and education. Lindsay has spent the last four years consulting in the energy access space, working with the World Bank, Catalyst Off-Grid Advisors, and VentureBuilder with a variety of clients across Sub-Saharan Africa. Lindsay holds a BA and MA from Stanford University. She is based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Day 0 October 10
Sessions by Lindsay Umalla
Day 1 October 11
Sessions by Lindsay Umalla
3:50 pm-4:50 pm
Breakout Room B

Failing Forward: Learning from Adjacent Industries to Deliver Clean Cooking

While innovation and adoption are growing in the clean cooking sector, progress in reaching consumers has been measured, especially due to affordability constraints. Adjacent sectors such as Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), Solar Home System (SHS) Companies and other Last Mile Distributors (LMD) have been servicing the same consumer base and addressing consumer affordability constraints at considerably larger scale. As the clean cooking sector looks to grow its footprint and crowd-in these large-scale, high-volume distribution networks into the clean cooking sector, what lessons can we learn from their journey to accelerate learning, drive innovation, and address financial barriers?

This session will bring together insights from across sectors including consumer financing, last mile distribution, digitization, subsidies, and partnerships. The panel will examine how consumer financing can constrain access and the ways adjacent sectors overcome this through continuous innovation.

Watch this session.

Ciara Remerscheid Deputy Energy Lead, 60 Decibels
Dennis Owino Onono Senior Consultant, Global Distributors Collective
Kolawole Osinowo CEO, Nigeria, Baobab+
Lindsay Umalla Senior Portfolio Manager, Market Strengthening, Clean Cooking Alliance
Emilie Cohen-Boulakia Impact Lead, Upya Technologies
Day 2 October 12
Sessions by Lindsay Umalla
Day 3 October 13
Sessions by Lindsay Umalla
Day 4 October 14
Sessions by Lindsay Umalla
Sessions by Lindsay Umalla
Sessions by Lindsay Umalla
3:50 pm-4:50 pm
Breakout Room B

Failing Forward: Learning from Adjacent Industries to Deliver Clean Cooking

While innovation and adoption are growing in the clean cooking sector, progress in reaching consumers has been measured, especially due to affordability constraints. Adjacent sectors such as Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), Solar Home System (SHS) Companies and other Last Mile Distributors (LMD) have been servicing the same consumer base and addressing consumer affordability constraints at considerably larger scale. As the clean cooking sector looks to grow its footprint and crowd-in these large-scale, high-volume distribution networks into the clean cooking sector, what lessons can we learn from their journey to accelerate learning, drive innovation, and address financial barriers?

This session will bring together insights from across sectors including consumer financing, last mile distribution, digitization, subsidies, and partnerships. The panel will examine how consumer financing can constrain access and the ways adjacent sectors overcome this through continuous innovation.

Watch this session.

Ciara Remerscheid Deputy Energy Lead, 60 Decibels
Dennis Owino Onono Senior Consultant, Global Distributors Collective
Kolawole Osinowo CEO, Nigeria, Baobab+
Lindsay Umalla Senior Portfolio Manager, Market Strengthening, Clean Cooking Alliance
Emilie Cohen-Boulakia Impact Lead, Upya Technologies
Sessions by Lindsay Umalla
Sessions by Lindsay Umalla
Sessions by Lindsay Umalla