Clean Cooking Forum 2022


Leela Hazzah

Co-Founder & Executive Director, Lion Guardians

Leela Hazzah grew up listening to her family’s stories of lions roaring and has dedicated her life to helping bring lions and other wildlife back from the brink. She is Lion Guardians’ Co-Founder and Executive Director, and her commitment to including and empowering communities has been key to the organization’s incredible impacts.

Day 0 October 10
Sessions by Leela Hazzah
Day 1 October 11
Sessions by Leela Hazzah
9:30 am-11:30 am
Adlon Ballroom

Opening Plenary

Dymphna van der Lans CEO, Clean Cooking Alliance
H.E. Hajia Samira Bawumia Second Lady of Ghana
Honorable Matthew Opoku Prempeh Minister of Energy, Ghana
Adwoa Etsiwaa Sey Chairperson, Ghana Alliance for Clean Cooking
H.E. Ingrid Mollestad Ambassador to Ghana, Government of Norway
Honorable Virginia E. Palmer U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Ghana
Carla Montesi Director, European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships
Katja Lasseur Deputy Ambassador, Government of Netherlands
Gabriela Elizondo Azuela Practice Manager, Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, World Bank
Vincent Wierda IDE Energy Lead, UNCDF
Ashvin Dayal Senior Vice President, Power & Climate and The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet, The Rockefeller Foundation
Fatih Birol Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Damilola Ogunbiyi CEO, Sustainable Energy for All
Kandeh Yumkella Founder & CEO, The Energy Nexus Network
Leela Hazzah Co-Founder & Executive Director, Lion Guardians
Dr. Mokowa Blay Adu-Gyamfi Presidential Advisor on HIV/AIDS, Executive Office of the President, Ghana
Shirley McAlpine Founder, Shirley McAlpine & Associates
Day 2 October 12
Sessions by Leela Hazzah
Day 3 October 13
Sessions by Leela Hazzah
Day 4 October 14
Sessions by Leela Hazzah
Sessions by Leela Hazzah
Sessions by Leela Hazzah
9:30 am-11:30 am
Adlon Ballroom

Opening Plenary

Dymphna van der Lans CEO, Clean Cooking Alliance
H.E. Hajia Samira Bawumia Second Lady of Ghana
Honorable Matthew Opoku Prempeh Minister of Energy, Ghana
Adwoa Etsiwaa Sey Chairperson, Ghana Alliance for Clean Cooking
H.E. Ingrid Mollestad Ambassador to Ghana, Government of Norway
Honorable Virginia E. Palmer U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Ghana
Carla Montesi Director, European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships
Katja Lasseur Deputy Ambassador, Government of Netherlands
Gabriela Elizondo Azuela Practice Manager, Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, World Bank
Vincent Wierda IDE Energy Lead, UNCDF
Ashvin Dayal Senior Vice President, Power & Climate and The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet, The Rockefeller Foundation
Fatih Birol Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Damilola Ogunbiyi CEO, Sustainable Energy for All
Kandeh Yumkella Founder & CEO, The Energy Nexus Network
Leela Hazzah Co-Founder & Executive Director, Lion Guardians
Dr. Mokowa Blay Adu-Gyamfi Presidential Advisor on HIV/AIDS, Executive Office of the President, Ghana
Shirley McAlpine Founder, Shirley McAlpine & Associates
Sessions by Leela Hazzah
Sessions by Leela Hazzah
Sessions by Leela Hazzah