Olivier Lefebvre
Climate Solutions Consulting
Olivier Lefebvre is a graduate engineer from the University of Montpellier. He has been working in the clean cooking sector since 2008. After 4 years developing carbon projects in China, he created Climate Solutions Consulting (CSC), a consulting agency specializing in climate, health and socio-economic impact studies of energy access projects. To carry out these missions, CSC has developed a suite of dedicated sensors to objectively measure the use of these technologies as well as their fuel consumption or emissions.

Day 0
October 10
Sessions by Olivier Lefebvre
Day 1
October 11
Sessions by Olivier Lefebvre
Day 2
October 12
Sessions by Olivier Lefebvre
Day 3
October 13
Sessions by Olivier Lefebvre
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Kempinski Hotel
Clean Cooking Alliance: Market-Oriented Approach to Accelerate Clean Cooking in Francophone Countries
Augustin Lomena Mulend
Lab Manager, Clean Cooking Technologies Laboratory, Center for Studies and Research on Renewable Energies Kitsisa-Khonde (CERERK-ISTA); Senior Lecturer, Institut Supérieur de Techniques Appliquées de Kinshasa (ISTA-Kin); PhD Candidate, University of Kinshasa, Faculty of Engineering
Day 4
October 14
Sessions by Olivier Lefebvre
Sessions by Olivier Lefebvre
Sessions by Olivier Lefebvre
Sessions by Olivier Lefebvre
Sessions by Olivier Lefebvre
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Kempinski Hotel
Clean Cooking Alliance: Market-Oriented Approach to Accelerate Clean Cooking in Francophone Countries
Augustin Lomena Mulend
Lab Manager, Clean Cooking Technologies Laboratory, Center for Studies and Research on Renewable Energies Kitsisa-Khonde (CERERK-ISTA); Senior Lecturer, Institut Supérieur de Techniques Appliquées de Kinshasa (ISTA-Kin); PhD Candidate, University of Kinshasa, Faculty of Engineering