CCA and Partners Released the Buyer's Guide to High-Quality Cookstove Carbon CreditsRead it here

Clean Cooking Forum 2022


Philippe Hoeblich

Co-Founder and CEO, PayGas

Philippe is the Co-Founder and CEO of PayGas, a French-South African start-up that pledges to supply affordable clean cooking gas to millions of low-income homes in Africa.

PayGas is a French-South African start-up (2018) which has disrupted traditional household cooking, by dispensing the quantity of gas (LPG) delivered at a patented cashless refilling technology, to the amount that customers can afford: PAY AS YOU GAS™.

PayGas is part of the United Nations Foundation (Clean Cooking Alliance) portfolio and is expanding its clean cooking gas inclusion technology to Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal and Sierra Leone. PayGas has won major awards for its disruptive technology in the gas industry, and as key actor of the Smart Cities and sustainability for the City of Cape Town.

For 12 years prior to founding PayGas, Philippe worked for COFACE (Cameroon, South Africa, Morocco and Paris), a multi-national credit insurance company, covering 25 African countries. Philippe holds an Executive MBA from INSEAD, with expertise in Bottom of the Pyramid Strategy. He is the President of the INSEAD Alumni Association in South Africa (843 south African Alumni members).

Day 0 October 10
Sessions by Philippe Hoeblich
Day 1 October 11
Sessions by Philippe Hoeblich
Day 2 October 12
Sessions by Philippe Hoeblich
Day 3 October 13
Sessions by Philippe Hoeblich
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Kempinski Hotel

Clean Cooking Alliance: Market-Oriented Approach to Accelerate Clean Cooking in Francophone Countries

Eder Audate Director of Forests and Renewable Energies (DFER), Ministry of the Environment of Haiti
Marina Brutinel Research Coordinator, World Bank
Andrea Blanco Toro Regional Energy Advisor for Food Security, World Food Programme
Guillaume Fouchères Managing Partner, Canopy Energies
Gina Fleurantin Research Manager, World Bank
Philippe Hoeblich Co-Founder and CEO, PayGas
Augustin Lomena Mulend Lab Manager, Clean Cooking Technologies Laboratory, Center for Studies and Research on Renewable Energies Kitsisa-Khonde (CERERK-ISTA); Senior Lecturer, Institut Supérieur de Techniques Appliquées de Kinshasa (ISTA-Kin); PhD Candidate, University of Kinshasa, Faculty of Engineering
Olivier Lefebvre Climate Solutions Consulting
Guillaume Monceaux Energy Task Team Leader, Agence Française de Développement
Day 4 October 14
Sessions by Philippe Hoeblich
Sessions by Philippe Hoeblich
Sessions by Philippe Hoeblich
Sessions by Philippe Hoeblich
Sessions by Philippe Hoeblich
1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Kempinski Hotel

Clean Cooking Alliance: Market-Oriented Approach to Accelerate Clean Cooking in Francophone Countries

Eder Audate Director of Forests and Renewable Energies (DFER), Ministry of the Environment of Haiti
Marina Brutinel Research Coordinator, World Bank
Andrea Blanco Toro Regional Energy Advisor for Food Security, World Food Programme
Guillaume Fouchères Managing Partner, Canopy Energies
Gina Fleurantin Research Manager, World Bank
Philippe Hoeblich Co-Founder and CEO, PayGas
Augustin Lomena Mulend Lab Manager, Clean Cooking Technologies Laboratory, Center for Studies and Research on Renewable Energies Kitsisa-Khonde (CERERK-ISTA); Senior Lecturer, Institut Supérieur de Techniques Appliquées de Kinshasa (ISTA-Kin); PhD Candidate, University of Kinshasa, Faculty of Engineering
Olivier Lefebvre Climate Solutions Consulting
Guillaume Monceaux Energy Task Team Leader, Agence Française de Développement
Sessions by Philippe Hoeblich